Spenser Archive Finding Aid
Editions -> Calendarium Pastorale -> 1732

Calendarium pastorale, : sive aeglogae duodecim, totidem anni mensibus accommodatae; / Anglice olim scriptae ab Edmundo Spenser, Anglorum poetarum principe: nunc autem eleganti Latino carmine donatae a Theodoro Bathurst aulae Pembrochianae apud Cantabrigienses aliquando Socio. Cum figuris Aeneis. Johanne Ball, editore., 1732, WSU MASC PR2359.A2 B2 1732

Title: Calendarium pastorale, : sive aeglogae duodecim, totidem anni mensibus accommodatae; / Anglice olim scriptae ab Edmundo Spenser, Anglorum poetarum principe: nunc autem eleganti Latino carmine donatae a Theodoro Bathurst aulae Pembrochianae apud Cantabrigienses aliquando Socio. Cum figuris Aeneis. Johanne Ball, editore.
Repository: Washington State U
Shelfmark: WSU MASC PR2359.A2 B2 1732
Published by: Ch. Rivington, & Joh. Knapton, & J. Fletcher
Published for:
Published Location: London
Published date: 1732
Copynotes: Text in English and Latin on opposite pages. Errata: p. [3]. "A glossary or an alphabetical index very much enlarged": p. 247-254. With engraved frontispiece portrait of Spenser signed: G. Vertue; other engraved plated signed: P. Fourdrinier. Pages 241 to 244 omitted in pagination. Leaves B1, B6, M2 and Q3 are cancels.--cf. Folger. Signatures: A8, a1, B-Q8, R5. This issue has leaf A2 (Latin title page) as a cancel and leaf A1 (English title page) as lacking. WSU MASC copy IMPERFECT: p. i-iv have been cut out.
Editionnotes: A reissue of the 1732 edition printed by William Bowyer, with an altered titlepage (cf. T135116).
Record Author: Cait Martinez 7/9/09; Elena Galkina 03/30/2018
Record Source: Catalog; Greg Matthews, greg.matthews@wsu.edu
Provenance Source:
Collation Siglum:

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